Statue of Liberty Poem: Emma Lazarus’s The New Colossus


The New Colossus by Emma Lazarus (1849–1887)1 is a masterpiece specially written for the Statue of Liberty in 1883. This article is where we will analyze and explain the Statue of Liberty Poem, meaning line by line.

The interesting fact about this poem is that Emma wrote it to raise money for the statue’s construction. In 1903, the poem was considered the liberty poem, and for that, the poem was cast on a bronze plaque and hung inside the statue’s base.

The New Colossus” poem depicts those immigrants who want better lives. The Statue of Liberty is like a friendly gesture for them. It’s a symbol of peace, comfort, and caring.

Emma Lazarus: Author of the Statue of Liberty Poem

Statue of Liberty Emma Lazarus Poem
Statue of Liberty Emma Lazarus Poem

Emma Lazarus was a Jewish-American writer and activist. She was worm-hearted with issues of immigration, identity, and freedom. When she wrote The New Colossus in 1883, she was 34 years old. 

The idea for the poem likely stemmed from Lazarus’s own beliefs. The poem is Oral evidence of her belief in the ideals of liberty and opportunity for all immigrants coming to America.

The idea of America inspired Lazarus as a beacon of freedom and opportunity, and she wanted to capture that sentiment in her poem. The words she penned have since become iconic, symbolizing the spirit of immigration and the American dream.

II. The Statue of Liberty poem meaning line by line Explained

Overall, the poem conveys a powerful message of inclusivity, compassion, and the American ideal of providing refuge and opportunity to those in need. Below is the line-by-line of the new colossus meaning.

Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,

This line collates the Statue of Liberty to the famous “brazen giant” of Greek mythology, likely referring to the Colossus of Rhodes. It explains that the Statue of Liberty deviates from the ancient statue, highlighting its modern value.

With conquering limbs astride from land to land;

Here are the imagery conditions, and the Greek Colossus2 is explained as a straddling land. It has conquering limbs and symbolizes power and dominance.

Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand.

This line is known as the Entrance to America, where Liberty stands to the sea and welcomes the immigrants, as this line contains the original theme of the poem. So, this is considered a compelling and essential line of the poem.

If you want to know what the Emma Lazarus poem means? This line can only explain the whole aim of the poem.

A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame

As we know, the Statue of Liberty depicts the flame lady, and this line explains that the female figure holding a torch symbolizes enlightenment and liberty. This also symbolized the progress and well-being of the whole of America. 

Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name

The torch’s flame has been captured and contained, suggesting that the light of liberty is held within the statue’s torch. When we take this, the meaning of this line is that when immigrants come to America, people should say welcome.

Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand

The Statue of Liberty is called the “Mother of Exiles,” it indicates her role as the peace hope symbol for refugees and immigrants.

Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command

The statue’s hospitable light is visible worldwide, and her gentle gaze invites and commands attention.

The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.

This line explains the harbour between New York City and Jersey City, where the Statue of Liberty stands, connected by bridges in the air.

Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!’ cries she

The statue is depicted as speaking, prodding ancient lands with histories and traditions to retain their grandeur and not seek refuge in America.

With silent lips. ‘Give me your tired, your poor,

The statue’s lips are silent, yet they seem to speak the famous words inviting the tired and poor of other lands to come to America for refuge and opportunity.

Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,

The poem expresses a sentiment of compassion for those oppressed or impoverished, longing for freedom and the chance to live without fear.

The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.

This line refers to the impoverished and destitute people discarded or neglected in their own countries, emphasizing America’s willingness to welcome them.

Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,

The statue continues to call for those without shelter or stability, offering them refuge and safety.

I lift my lamp beside the golden door!

The final line reaffirms the statue’s role as a beacon of hope and opportunity, standing proudly beside the “golden door” of America, ready to welcome all who seek a better life.

III. Connection to the Statue of Liberty

The Statue of Liberty symbolizes freedom, democracy, and opportunity. Its high and big torch represents the enlightenment and guidelines for the whole world. The tablet in the statue’s left hand represents the date of the American Declaration of Independence, July 4, 17763.

Its broken chain represents freedom from oppression.

Emma Lazarus’s poem “The New Colossus” became directly connected to the Statue of Liberty, known as the Statue Statue of Liberty poem nowadays. Initially, it considers fundraising efforts for pefestal’s contraction. The poem’s alliance with the statue consolidated its place as a defining element of the Statue of Liberty’s message.

V. Conclusion

So, this is an easy and definitive analysis of Emma Lazarus’s poem “The New Colossus.” I hope you have understood the “Statue of Liberty Poem Meaning” in depth. The Statue of Liberty is a symbol of welcoming immigrants and explaining freedom. 

This poem also explains freedom, passion, and love for American immigrants. You can write it in the comment box if you need more explanation. I will read your comments and answer your questions.

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What is the poem on the Statue of Liberty?

The poem on the Statue of Liberty is The New Colossus by Emma Lazarus.

What does Emma Lazarus poem mean?

The New Colossus poem’s message is freedom, peace, and hope. This message is good for immigrants who come to America with good dreams and hopes. This symbolizes a welcoming guide to the huddled masses and those who want to be free.

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